Just promoted! – Q&A with Donna Ives
If you feel your enthusiasm recently has been lacking at work and looking for some zest of for life to help boost your motivation, it’s time you have a read though our “Just Promoted” blog. This month we introduce Donna Ives, who was recently promoted within the team at Kents Hill Park, part of The Venues Collection and shared her road to success. Keep reading to get inspired..
When did you join the company and what used to be your role?
I joined the company in October 2018. My previous role was Sales Executive.
What does your new role involve? What does a typical day look like for you?
My new role as Front Office Manager involves interaction with guests on both a face to face basis as well as on the telephone. A typical day can begin with a speedy check out, a brief morning meeting to discuss feedback and the upcoming events for the day. I am then able to work through some emails and reservations and therefore prepare for arrivals.
What kept you motivated throughout your career?
Working as one with the team keeps me highly motivated. Working towards and achieving goals keeps me always looking for the next.
What are your biggest professional challenges?
Realising I cannot possibly know everything immediately challenges me often. I’m yet to learn a technique to overcome this. However, my new role has made me prioritize and helped me to understand that steps and stages make for better results.
What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?
Gaining my driving licence has to be the greatest achievement for me. It opened up my career opportunities as well as being able commit to more family time.
What do you like most about your job?
I love the different conversations I have with many people every day. At the end of the day I am proud to go home and think about the day I had and the people that I got to speak to. I enjoy how different these conversations can be from person to person and indeed day by day.
What is your motto or personal mantra?
Keep it real, keep it fresh.
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be?
This is a difficult question. I have thought hard about this and truly….I wouldn’t want to switch with anyone. I am so happy within my role. I love my job.
If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be?
I would embrace attending and seeing workshop based training. I haven’t yet seen this and would certainly like to see this changed. I also believe that cross training across all departments would be beneficial.
What advice would you give to recent new joiners?
Work a day in each department if possible. This will allow you to meet the team in full and more importantly get a greater understanding of each department.